AI @



19. 10. 2022 od 18:00




As part of the AI Days Festival, is happy to invite you for a night of fun, learning and networking! Listen to our talks, share your AI story, meet with your peers and win some cool prizes in our traveling quiz!

We have two great speakers who will address the following topics:

AB tests - Why are they so much popular? - Thomas Browne, Senior ML Engineer,

In the golden age of tech industries, AB tests are currently widely used in order to improve customers' experience and increase revenue. Thanks to a solid mathematical framework, they enable companies to adopt new changes with a high confidence that they will benefit from it.

The Magic Behind Personalized Recommendations - Sebastián Poliak, ML Engineer, Bloomreach

In this talk, you'll learn about what is the main idea behind “collaborative filtering”, how can we use it on implicit feedback, is it possible to tune hyperparameters for hundreds (or thousands) of customers, can we solve the “cold start” problem, and so much more!

After the talks, we'll have a session of lightning talks - and we'd be very happy to hear from you! YOU can talk to us about something that you made, found online, your favourite project or idea close to your heart! It is your 5 minutes to show us something. if you want to share your AI story, please register quickly on this link.

We'll finish the official part with our traveling quiz, where you can win flight vouchers or cool Bloomreach merch, and we'll stay for drinks and snacks after to meet each other and network!

Snacks and drinks will be provided by, and entrance is free but limited, so make sure you register in time!


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